When you have a pet or a herd of pets like we do, you also will have a mess or two occasionally. Finding something to help with these messes is a wonderful find. We found some wipes that are so wonderful that it's tempting to use them for our own messes. The scent of coconut and vanilla are so sweet smelling and the size of the wipe itself is unbelievable...but we have so far, just used them on the Yorkies.
What is this wonder product? It's Royal Pet Club's Coconut & Vanilla Organic Wipes.These refreshing, moisturizing wipes are enriched with the hydrating properties of 100% Organic Coconut, Vanilla and an exclusive mix of special soothing Organic ingredients chosen especially by our Italian laboratory to pamper your pet’s skin and coat.
We are Yorkie owner's and we have gotten use to what a Yorkie can get into. We have found a solution to this problem and welcome the challenge of keeping their fur, their eyes, their paws or whatever clean. The jar contains 40 very large wipes that you will be able to clean the mess you have and any other problems you might discover while grooming your dog.
We are Yorkie owner's and we have gotten use to what a Yorkie can get into. We have found a solution to this problem and welcome the challenge of keeping their fur, their eyes, their paws or whatever clean. The jar contains 40 very large wipes that you will be able to clean the mess you have and any other problems you might discover while grooming your dog.
I believe we could wash the next litter of puppies we have with a single wipe they're so big. We should probably get some of their Pure Paws Natural Wipes also, for the smaller wipe ups we have. But the smell of coconut & vanilla is so wonderful, it's a pleasure to clean the mess up. Now we don't look forward to all their messes, but we don't run away from them either.
So go check out Royal Pet Club's wipes, we recommend the coconut & vanilla, but they also have a lavender & cashmere and a papaya & aloe vera scents for those of you who want something else. They also have other grooming products, we got some shampoo, conditioner and a spritz, but we will tell you about them at a later date.
So go check out Royal Pet Club's wipes, we recommend the coconut & vanilla, but they also have a lavender & cashmere and a papaya & aloe vera scents for those of you who want something else. They also have other grooming products, we got some shampoo, conditioner and a spritz, but we will tell you about them at a later date.
We know you'll enjoy these wipes, especially the size of them and in our case the scent. It's like being on a island in the tropics, as your wiping your dogs mess....ok, not really, but we can dream, it's our mess.
The Yorkies will smell like coconut & vanilla for days after being cleaned up by these wipes. It really has helped a major problem we had and also helped the Yorkies fur and skin. Our new problem is that our friends will want to "take one home to try". We need a supply of samples to pass out as they leave our house...some people give you a mint, we'll give you a doggie wipe.
Royal Pet Club has a testimorial page full of pet owners and groomers stories that you will be able to read and see what others think of their products. We hope you will take the time to go check them out and if you see something you like, use our discount code - WS-Yorkie and you'll get 10% off at checkout time. And re-use it whenever you reorder your next purchase from them. It's Royal Pet Club's way to help you discover and use some great products, and our way to help out our readers of our blog.
Thanks for stopping by, and we hope you'll come back and see us again soon. The Yorkies appreciate you taking time and reading about their lives and hope you'll link on and become a follower of our blog "Waterside Yorkies".
Now go check out Royal Pet Club's grooming products and remember to use our discount code when you checkout. You can just click the header above or go by following this link: http://www.royalpetclub.com/index.html . Enjoy shopping and have a great day.